Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oh my Gosh! We have made it! day 30

We have made to our first month! I know, I know, most months have 31 days. But I am taking it at 30. Well it's not like we are giving up anytime soon, so a day early will be fine. I think we can safely say we are full on Stage 4. Which I am quiet happy with. Stages 1 and 2 were very limiting but good in the sense of knowing exactly what your having at each meal, because there are very few things that you can have. :0) Now we have more options and are really enjoying food. I didn't know food taste so good. I know it sounds weird but true. It's like our palate have been cleansed and we can now taste food in it's full flavour again.

Today's Food Hero in our house hold was Fermented Salsa! Oh my gosh if you have not tried this fermented food, you really should, it's like salsa on steroids! It have a little bubbly zing, and an explosion of flavours. I think is probiotic food is going to become a family.

Recipe - How I made it.
5 large tomatoes diced
1 Capsium diced
1 Chilly diced
1 white onion diced
1 cup of Parsley ruffly chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tbs of salt - Best you can get
1/4 cup of whey.

Mixed all the ingredients together put into jars, and left at room temp for 1 and a half days. If left for 2 -3 days it can get really bubbly which some people don't really like. But it's up to your personal tastes.

Food Today
Mineral water
Savory mince, with veggies cooked in beef broth.
Yoghurt with walnuts and almonds and 1tsp of honey
Dinner - Grilled pork chops, with boiled veggies and fermented salsa.

I also have been organised enough to make pumpkin and herb Almond bread for our lunch tomorrow. Go Me!

As it is our first 30 days on GAPS I have asked Ben if he would mind doing a guest blog to let you all know how he is feeling, and his thoughts. So that post will be on it's way very shortly. Thanks for reading along as we have made it this far. I hope you have enjoyed reading, and maybe even found some inspiration to start making changes in your own life. Or even start GAPS yourself.

Bye for now


  1. Way to Go!!! Yay!! Well done for sticking with it so far. Thanks for the links, I'll be investigating further for sure! God Bless you all from DF
