Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mother & Baby Feature

August Edition 2014
Last Month I was in contact with Mother & Baby magazine, about doing an article and telling my story of surviving Placenta Previa & Percreta, for a number of reasons.

1. To Share awareness of the condition,

2. The risk factors, 

3. Encouraging women to think twice about an unnecessary c-section, and 

4. To help find more survivors and those currently pregnant with the condition.

Today My story can out in print! 

So the story is a very shortened version of my story, as of course there is a word count limit, but hopefully it will create some good exposure for the condition and the Hope for Accreta Foundation.

Since Surviving, I have in many ways made it my mission to help other women avoid it, and support those that have it.

Being pregnant is meant to be one the of most joyous times of  a women's life, but with a pregnancy condition, it can be one of the most stress times in her life.  For me that was the case. I love having children, and would do it all again for my blessings. However there is something to be said about living with fear and worry, "Will my baby survive?", "Will I survive?", "Will this be the day that is all falls apart?".  All are thoughts that are very real, it isn't a pretend fear that you can just shrug off.

While all those fears subside when you hold your precious baby, for some that moment never comes. Even when it does come, the stress, anxiety, and worry can effect the rest of your life for some time. Many women with the condition will go on to suffer PND, or PTSD. Both of which can effect the joy and the way in which you interact with you baby, and with your old life.

I am very thankful for the support of many people, and good friends that helped us get through. With out good friends to be listening ears, a shoulder to cry on, and ready and willing to give a helping hand, I'm not sure how we would have made it through.

I am however very glad we did, and we can now work towards helping make a difference for others.
Don't forget to get your copy of Mother & Baby and check out the article.


  1. I had issues with my last pregnancy, and it was very stressful. I love that you're trying to help others. It's incredibly valuable to have someone who has gone on before.

    1. Oh thank you Jess. Please feel free to come and join us at the Hope for Accreta Foundation, we are hosting an international blood drive on the 9th of January 2015, and want to share as many stories as we can to help create awareness.
