"The family that Prays together, Stays together"
We have always wanted to have a close family, and have tried a few things in the past, but have let things go, mainly because the children where a bit too little to participate.
My how children surprise you!
The other night we where all sitting around the dinner table, when the children were being really loud and not settling, out of the blue I had the idea to get them to pray. So I asked them all to think of someone that they would like to pray for. We all (include My husband and I) took turns praying for our friends and family members. It was great! Our children always have enjoyed praying, we pray for the before they sleep, and now they are a bit bigger they like to pray at bed time for people as well. But this was the first time we had done it all as a family at the dinner table.
Praise God for my Children
...and there persistent spirit!
The next night we sat down to eat, totally forgetting about the impromptu prayer meeting the night before, to have dinner. Then Sophie ran to get the children's bible which we read to them most nights at the table, after there daily reading, they then asked if we could pray?, I was totally shocked at how excited they where to do this again. So we did! Then the next night Daddy was not feeling so well, so each of the children Prayed for Him to feel better, and then another need arose so we prayed.
Now we Pray together most nights! How amazing...they are so open to God, and have this simple faith. There is no "if" God exists for them, they just know he does! And they are eager to learn more about Him, who created them for a purpose!
Hallelujah, Glory be to God!
Awesome, praise God! We often play the "Thank you Jesus" game- we all go around the table saying thank you to Jesus for something "Thank you Jesus for Mummy" "Thank you Jesus for our garden", "Thank you Jesus that I got to play with such-and-such today" etc... we go round and round most nights, getting three or four turns each... we find it's a good way to encourage gratitude!
ReplyDeleteThat's an excellent idea Anita! Well have to give that one a try. :)