Homeschool Journal Writing
I shared recently about writing to pen friends as one the ways we try to make writing fun, another tool we use is Journaling. I have done this for the last few years. I have my children draw about activities that we have done during the week, or at our homeschool get together, and depending on there age, they dictate what they want to write, or when old enough write it themselves. I don’t correct the spelling in this journal like I do there other forms of writing activities, because I want it to be a good record of their abilities, and something we can look over and see how they have grown over time. I am also hoping to help them develop the skills of keeping a record of there lives, and will aim to journal most days as they get older and older.
This is an example from my 9 years journal, I let her choose the ones that she wanted share.
Do you have your children keep a journal? How to do work it for them?
- Christina
great idea. My kids do diary writing a few times a week too
ReplyDeleteI love Charlotte Mason's principles (narration) and I use journal recording a lot. From Nature Study to Outdoor activities. My Violet keeps record of their daily work (that's the boring journaling), my Navy Ninja retells his daily entries and my P!nk draws. They love poetry as an entry of their journal entry too. Last week or so, the rain and wind was so crazy that I actually got them out with their gumboots (I crazy gumboots) - the best invention by the Aussies, right? LOL! and raincoats to go out there and stand and jump in the rain. I had them return to safety after 5 mins and let them journal that through poetry writing and drawing/ painting. As young as P!nk she thoroughly enjoyed that moment. One success for mom. hahaha!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! I;m hoping to look more into these sorts of ideas as I'm planning my homeschool for 2015