Friday, May 30, 2014

Kangaroo Cuddles - Benefits for both mother and baby

It has long been known that Kangaroo cuddles help prem and sick babies. Having that close skin to skin contact helps to steading their heart beats and settle their breathing.  That feeling of closeness releasing calming hormones, and increase bonding. It is not as well known the benefits of skin to skin kangaroo cuddles for the mother as well. Here is a photo of me having a Kangaroo cuddle with Marcella while I was on life support. Marcella was stable and I wasn't. The medical team didn't think I would make it at that point, and wanted to bring us together incase I didn't make it. As soon as they put her on my chest the nurses said that I lifted my head and rubbed my chin on her head. I have vague memories of this. For that point I started to improve.  

You can read my full story here.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pumpkin Puffs - GAPS

Pumpkin Puffs

3 cups of mashed pumpkins
3 eggs
1/3 cup sour cream (Kefir works as well, optional extra for serving)
1 heaping cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan
2 tablespoons chopped chives or parsley
Salt and black pepper, to taste

1 - Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
2 - Lightly grease with butter 12 pan, muffin pan.
3 - In a medium mixing bowl whisk the eggs then mix in the sour cream. Stir in both cheeses and the chives. Add pumpkin and mix well.
4 - Spoon them into the pan filling the cups to slightly below the top, top each one with a little grated cheese.
5 - Bake 25- 35 minutes until they pull away from the sides of the cup and are golden brown. Remove from oven and let them cool 5 minutes in pan. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Auction sneak peak

Well yesterday I shared that I am trying to raise funds to go to American for the first Hope for Accreta Conference in Tennessee later this year. Well one of the methods that I am using is an online facebook auction. So I thought I would give you a peak at some of the auction items that have been generously donated to me. So here goes.
Kingdom Creations
Little Pickers

Revamped Realm

Revamped Realm 

Gypsy Heart
Local Donor

Local Donor

Revamped Realm

GAK Designs

Gypsy Heart

Local Artist Kerry

Local Artist Kelli

Local Artist Kerry

McKinnon Kiddies

Crochet n Buttons

GAK Designs


Crochet n Buttons

Crochet n Buttons

Crochet n Buttons

Crochet n Buttons

Crochet n Buttons

Crochet n Buttons

Crochet n Buttons

Crochet n Buttons

Local Donor

Rainbow Moo

Rainbow Moo

Rainbow Moo

Rainbow Moo

Rainbow Moo

Rainbow Moo

Local Tasmania Artist Kelli

Kingdom Creations

Mia's Wax Creations

Mia's Wax Creations

The Paper Sisters

McKinnon Kiddies

Mckinnon Kiddies

There is still more to come, so don't miss out, and join the group.  3 weeks to go. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

I'm going the America......with help

If you have followed the journey of my last pregnancy you would know that I had Placenta Previa and Precreta, the worst form of a pregnancy condition called Accreta. If you missed it you can read my full story here. Since that pregnancy I have been working the American Chapter of the Hope for Accreta Foundation to create an Australian Chapter, and awareness about the condition.

You can read the full story for this image here.  This was my first media related article with a few more to come.

Why am I doing this? After going through all the trauma that I have experienced I want to make a difference for other women that are currently going through this and those that are to come. This condition is one that was once very rare, but becoming much more common with the raising rates of C-sections, abortions, D&C, endometriosis, uterine scarring and some types of contraception.

I want to make women aware of the risks so that they can then make educated decisions about their birth choices, contraception, birthing support, as well as be their own advocates if they do have risk factors.

Diagnosis is a really important part of creating great outcomes for both mother and baby in accreta pregnancies. If doctors go into delivery expecting to find accreta, there are many many things that can be planned to help reduce blood loss, create a stable environment, and so on.

In doing this I have become the President of the Australian Chapter of the Hope for Accreta foundation and planning to go the very first Hope for Accreta conference in Tennessee, USA, in November this year. To be able to do this, I need to raise money to help me go.  I have started a mycause page to help me with that.

My goal in going to the conference is the met other survivors but also to learn as much as I can able the condition, the lastest treatments from the best in the field and bring that information back to Australia to help local family.

If you would like to donate to my cause please do so. Every little bit helps.

I'm also holding a facebook auction to help raise funds to get there. You can join in that auction by following this link.  I have been donated some awesome products for the auctions so don't miss out.

Many Blessings


Inspiration can come from many places. Today I was blessed with some inspiration from a beautiful lady, who shared her story with me and now I would love to share it with you. Enjoy, and be inspired.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bed Rest turning into a small business

Looking back over my year, I wouldn't have guested that I would be doing the things that I am doing today. A year ago I would busy making things for my children incase I wasn't going to be here. I wanted them to have something of me that they could treasure. Well who would of guest that learning to Crochet while on bed rest would have turned into a small business for myself and friend. So I wanted to up date you all on what positive things have come out of that time.
So our business is call........
"Crochet n Buttons" you can find us on facebook and you can also buy from our Etsy store. Please feel free to check us out. Here are some examples of the items we currently have for sale.